Caring for Creation
Caring for Creation is a conscious way of life. It’s actively tapping into the wisdom of our ancestors by seeing the value in every thing and having an abundance mentality. This way of thinking and living allows us to consume less and produce more creatively, naturally helping us to nurture our relationship with te whenua and moana - making us good kaitiaki or guardians of life.
Below is our Wheke of 8 resourceful top tips:
What did our elders do?
Tap into the wisdom of elder generations. Ask yourself what did nana do? Did she used to save vege scraps to make vege broth or maybe she returned all kai back to the whenua? Did grandpa used to save nails and screws for future projects? Ask your elders and you’ll be surprised at what knowledge, tips and tricks they have up their sleeves.Repair
Before throwing out broken, ask yourself - can this be repaired? Who in my contacts would know how to fix this? Alternatively there are repair cafes all over Aotearoa, often free or accepting koha that can help you to repair items from electric appliances to furniture and clothing.
At PVA we have also run social workshops, sharing the essential skill of mending clothing.
This naturally reduces waste, extends the lifespan of items and gives you the added bonus of saving money.Repurpose
To repurpose is to see the million ways you could use something. At PVA we save up our used jam and pasta jars to use as reusable cups for coffee stops, storing our honey harvest from our bee hives and for holding our kids pens or pencils.
A bucket may no longer be useful to you to use for car washing but imagine growing your own fresh herbs or even a bucket of potatoes in one! Get those creative juices flowing!Sharing is Caring
Before throwing out something perfectly fine in good working order, think about the use someone else could get from that item and make an effort to ask around or donate to your local opshop.Mindful Consumption
Before making a purchase, evaluate whether you truly need it and if it aligns with your values of sustainability and longevity. Choose quality items that will last..Seek Second-Hand
Consider buying second-hand items from op-shops, online platforms like Trademe or FB Marketplace, or through swapping/gifting networks. Often you will find very nifty, one-of-a-kind items that are of superior quality to what’s available on the market today and at a nice price. Buying second-hand also reduces demand for new mass-produced, poorly or cheaply made products and supports a circular economy.Support Refillable and Reusable
Opt for refillable products where possible from places such as Bin Inn and even your hairdresser or rock up to your favourite takeaway with your own reusable containers, minimising packaging waste. Re-usable water bottles and containers are a must in our households.Abundance is all around Us
Seeing value in everything means to look at things through an abundance lens. E.g The seasonal autumn leaves are a nuisance to some but they are very valuable to your local gardener or composter. Consider bagging it up with a “Free Autumn leaves” sign and it’ll disappear in a week.
Wooden pallets are also abundant everywhere and year round. Having an abundance mindset has sparked creativity with this resource, with some making bed frames, outdoor furniture, shelving and even home decor. A quick internet search will show you how to make over 100 things from wooden pallets.
Our last but not least bonus tip is: Be open to learning new things, as we are never too old to learn and find different ways of getting things done.
At PVA we love a hands-on learning experience. For us it’s the best way we learn, which is why we run hands-on workshops to inspire others to Care for Creation.
See what workshops we have upcoming here on our Facebook page :